Chelwood Foodbank Plus Partners

Olive Community Project - Drop In Centre
Open: Monday 12pm - 3pm, Tuesday 10am - 3pm, Wednesday 10am - 3pm, Thursday 10am - 3pm
2C Castle Street, Edgeley, Stockport, SK3 9AB olivecommunityproject@gmail.com Charity registration number 1155574
The Olive Community Project is a small charity focused on the needs of Edgeley, Stockport; particularly those who are isolated or excluded, through lack of money, skills, health or access to technology. They offer support through simple, practical means: simply listening, helping people access relevant services or develop basic skills, involving them socially and through volunteering, or offering emergency support.
For more information, please click here

Olive Branch Community Groups:
Monday 1pm - 3pm - Knit and Natter group Wednesday 1pm - 2.30pm - Mental Health Support Group
Every Tuesday 11am – 1pm (Except Bank Holidays) We have a weekly social group at Stockport Baptist Church. This is run in conjunction with the Olive Branch and Pure Innovations. A social drop in for people who want to play board games, card games, video games or watch a film. Pizzas and drinks available too. Any vulnerable adults must bring a carer.
The group is free to attend - donations welcome.
For more info please, click here or contact us on the email below.

Olive Community Project - Asylum Seeker and Refugee Support
Help and support for asylum seekers and refugees. Signposting to other services, assistance with benefit applications, translation help and general advice.
Fridays 10 am -12 pm,
Strictly by appointment, please contact
Tel: 07477 789 389

Charity number 1179539
Thousands of children are going to sleep hungry and cold; without a proper bed of their own.
Zarach is a charity committed to helping children and families who are living in poverty crisis. We are active in schools and in the community. We see the problems that poverty causes every day, we understand that more should be done to help and we have the skills, passion and drive to make an immediate and real difference.
Bed Poverty is a real problem that has a significant effect on a child’s education. By providing something to eat and a good night’s sleep, we can give every child an equal chance to learn and succeed at school.
We are currently the only hub in Greater Manchester. We support all of the Stockport area. We provide beds and bedding to children in need.
We launched our partnership in January 2023 and to present date we have delivered 178 beds to children in the local area.
For more information, please click here
Or if you would like to become a volunteer, please click here for our volunteer application form.

Brinnington Community Church
The Lighthouse Centre, Northumberland Road, Stockport, SK5 8LS Charity number: 1161525
Brinnington Community Church offers a warm space within a kind and caring environment.
Bite Size Bible Service every Sunday from 12.30pm - Taste and see that The Lord is good! Bacon Butty and Bite Size Bible served first Sunday most months from 12pm. Come, Eat... and Be Fed. Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty." Drop Inn Café every Wednesday afternoon from 1 pm. - Free tea, coffee, cold drinks, biscuits. a place to come and chill, bring friends, or find a listening ear. Pastor Martin is available for walk-up appointments from 1.30 - 3.30pm or at other times by calling on 07778765025. Lighter at The Lighthouse - Lose weight together at our free group every Thursday afternoon from 12pm. "Come and get weighed and take the weight off your feet." Tea coffee and a good natter are good for your soul - all are welcome.
Chelwood Foodbank is open every Wednesday 1pm till 3pm inside the church.

Starting Point
The Databank runs thanks to the great support of digital champion Leo every Wednesday. The digital champion volunteering hub is funded through The National Lottery Community fund and is part of the Digiknow network.
Like a foodbank but for mobile data, the Good Things Foundation National Databank provides free mobile SIM cards for people who can’t access the internet.
Internet access is essential in today’s society, and yet 2 million households have no home internet, and 2.4 million can’t afford a mobile phone contract. This lack of access often affects vulnerable people facing other inequalities.
Bit by bit we are changing those outcomes for people in Stockport.
At Starting Point, we have been involved with a number of activities to support local people in Brinnington to get online. Some more successful than others, but we know that what works is when you partner up fab organisations like Chelwood who are trusted within their communities.
Phil said: “The Databank held here makes an incredible difference. Ironically, not having money for data is a barrier to getting help when you don’t have any money. People have to show their UC diary to prove they are on benefits, they need data for that. Kids at school can’t do their homework, and get in trouble.