Marple digital support drop in

Stockport metropolitan Borough Council

Event Details
Every Tuesday 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Get Connected: Marple Digital Support Drop-In!


Struggling with your smartphone, tablet, or laptop? Need help navigating the online world? Join our Marple Digital Support Drop-In, held every Tuesday morning from 10:30 am to 11:30 am at Marple Library, Memorial Park, Marple.

This friendly and informal drop-in session provides one-on-one support for all your digital needs. Our patient and knowledgeable volunteers are here to help you with everything from setting up email and using social media to online banking and troubleshooting technical issues. Whether you're a complete beginner or just need a little extra help, we're here to empower you with the digital skills you need to stay connected and confident.

For more information, please contact Digiknow on 07724217888.

Benefits for Participants:

  • Increased Digital Literacy: Learn essential digital skills and become more confident using technology.
  • Personalised Support: Receive one-on-one assistance tailored to your specific needs.
  • Reduced Frustration: Overcome technical challenges and feel more comfortable using digital devices.
  • Improved Communication: Stay connected with family and friends through email, social media, and video calls.
  • Access to Online Services: Learn how to access essential online services, such as banking, shopping, and government resources.
  • Increased Independence: Gain the skills to navigate the digital world independently.
  • Stay Connected: Avoid social isolation by learning how to use modern communication tools.
  • Save Time and Money: Learn how to use technology to streamline everyday tasks.
  • Friendly and Supportive Environment: Receive help in a patient and encouraging atmosphere.

Event Address

Marple Library, Memorial Park,
SK6 3BA.

Register for event