Knit and Knatter Knit for charity

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Event Details
Wednesday Mar 12, 10:00 AM - Mar 12, 11:30 AM

Knit and Natter for Charity: Crafting for a Cause!

Join our warm and welcoming Knit and Natter group at Woodley Methodist Church! We gather on the second Wednesday of each month, from March to October, to create beautiful knitted and crocheted items for charitable causes.

Whether you're a seasoned knitter or just starting out, you're invited to join us for a morning of crafting, conversation, and community spirit. Bring your own projects or contribute to our group creations, all while making a difference.

What to Expect:

  • Charitable Crafting: Create knitted and crocheted items to support local and wider charities.
  • Friendly Company: Enjoy a relaxed and social atmosphere with fellow crafters.
  • Skill Sharing: Learn new techniques and share your own expertise.
  • Community Contribution: Make a tangible difference by contributing to worthwhile causes.

Location: Woodley Methodist Church, Chapel Street, Hyde Road, Woodley.

Time: Second Wednesday of the month (March - October), 10 am - 11:30 am.

Interested? For more information, please contact: or phone 0161 430 2964.

Event Address

Woodley Methodist Church, Chapel Street,
SK6 1NF.

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